
Volleyball is currently supported for the following leagues (in alphabetical order):

Extension of the BaseSurfacePlot class to create a volleyball court.

This is a second-level child class of the BaseSurface class, and as such will have access to its attributes and methods. sportypy will ship with pre-defined leagues that will have their own subclass, but a user can manually specify their own court parameters to create a totally-customized court. The court’s features are parameterized by the basic dimensions of the court, which comprise the attributes of the class.

@author: Ross Drucker

class sportypy.surfaces.volleyball.VolleyballCourt(league_code='', court_updates={}, color_updates={}, rotation=0.0, x_trans=0.0, y_trans=0.0, units='default', **added_features)#

A subclass of BaseSurfacePlot to make a generic volleyball court.

This allows for the creation of the volleyball court in a way that is entirely parameterized by the court’s baseline characteristics.

All attributes should default to 0.0 (if of a numeric type) or an empty string (if of a string type). Customized parameters may be specified via a child class (see below) or by directly specifying all necessary attributes of a valid volleyball court. The attributes needed to instantiate a particular league’s surface must be specified in the court_params dictionary. For many leagues, these will be provided in the surface_dimensions.json file in the data/ subdirectory of sportypy.

See the BaseSurfacePlot and BaseSurface class definitions for full details.


The league for which the plot should be drawn. This is case-insensitive but should be the shortened name of the league (e.g. “National Volleyball Association” should be either “NBA” or “nba”). The default is an empty string




The angle (in degrees) through which to rotate the final plot. The default is 0.0




The amount that the x coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +``x`` axis extends from the center of the surface towards the right-hand basket when viewing the court in TV view. The default is 0.0




The amount that the y coordinates are to be shifted. By convention, the +``y`` axis extends from the center of the surface towards the top of the court when viewing the court in TV view. The default is 0.0




A dictionary of coloring parameters to pass to the plot




A dictionary containing the following parameters of the court:

  • court_lengthfloat

    The length of the court

  • court_widthfloat

    The width of the court

  • free_zone_end_linefloat

    The distance beyond the end line that the free zone extends. This is measured from the exterior edge of the end line

  • free_zone_sidelinefloat

    The distance beyond the sideline that the free zone extends. This is measured from the exterior edge of the sideline

  • court_apron_endlinefloat

    The thickness of the court’s apron beyond the end line

  • court_apron_sidelinefloat

    The thickness of the court’s apron beyond the sideline

  • line_thicknessfloat

    The thickness of the lines of the court in the court’s specified units

  • attack_line_edge_to_center_linefloat

    The distance from the edge of the attack line to the center line, measuring from the outer (end line side) edge of the attack line to the center of the center line (x = 0 in TV view)

  • substitution_zone_dash_lengthfloat

    The length of a substitution zone dash measured in the direction perpendicular to the sideline

  • substitution_zone_dash_breaksfloat

    The separation between dashes in the substitution zone

  • substitution_zone_rep_patternstr

    The number of times that the break-dash pattern should be repeated to generate the substitution zone

  • service_zone_mark_lengthfloat

    The length of the service zone marker when measured in the direction perpendicular to the end line

  • service_zone_mark_to_end_linefloat

    The separation between the outer edge of the end line and the inner edge of the service zone mark




Determine what features of the court can be re-parameterized.

This function is a helper function for the user to aid in customizing a court’s parameters. The printed result of this method will be the names of the features that are able to be reparameterized. This method is also useful when defining new features and using an existing league’s court dimensions as a starting point

Return type:

Nothing, but a message will be printed out


Determine what features of the court can be colored.

This function is a helper function for the user to aid in plot styling and customization. The printed result of this method will be the names of the features that are able to be colored

Return type:

Nothing, but a message will be printed out


Show if a league can be plotted, or what leagues are pre-defined.

A user may wish to know if a specific volleyball league can be plotted. This method allows a user to check if that specific league code comes shipped with sportypy for easier plotting (if they provide the league code), or can also show what leagues are available to be plotted


league_code (str or None) – A league code that may or may not be shipped with the package. If the league code is None, this will display all leagues that do come shipped with sportypy. The default is None

Return type:

Nothing, but a message will be printed out

draw(ax=None, display_range='full', xlim=None, ylim=None, rotation=None)#

Draw the court.

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes) – An Axes object onto which the plot can be drawn. If None is supplied, then the currently-active Axes object will be used

  • display_range (str, optional) –

    The portion of the surface to display. The entire surface will always be drawn under the hood, however this parameter limits what is shown in the final plot. The following explain what each display range corresponds to:

    • "full": The entire court

    • "in bounds only": The full in-bound area of the court

    • "in_bounds_only": The full in-bound area of the court

    • "offense": The attacking/offensive half court

    • "offence": The attacking/offensive half court

    • "offensivehalfcourt": The attacking/offensive half court

    • "offensive_half_court": The attacking/offensive half


    • "offensive half court": The attacking/offensive half


    • "defense": The defensive half court

    • "defence": The defensive half court

    • "defensivehalfcourt": The defensive half court

    • "defensive_half_court": The defensive half court

    • "defensive half court": The defensive half court

    The default is "full"

  • xlim (float or tuple of floats or None) – The display range in the x direction to be used. If a single float is provided, this will be used as the lower bound of the x coordinates to display and the upper bound will be the +``x`` end of the court. If a tuple, the two values will be used to determine the bounds. If None, then the display_range will be used instead to set the bounds. The default is None

  • ylim (float or tuple of floats or None) – The display range in the y direction to be used. If a single float is provided, this will be used as the lower bound of the y coordinates to display and the upper bound will be the +``y`` side of the court. If a tuple, the two values will be used to determine the bounds. If None, then the display_range will be used instead to set the bounds. The default is None

  • rotation (float or None) – Angle (in degrees) through which to rotate the court when drawing. If used, this will set the class attribute of _rotation. A value of 0.0 will correspond to a TV view of the court, where +``x`` is to the right and +``y`` is on top. The rotation occurs counterclockwise. The default is None


Reset the features of the court to their default color set.

The colors can be passed at the initial instantiation of the class via the color_updates parameter, and through the update_colors() method, these can be changed. This method allows the colors to be reset to their default values after experiencing such a change


Reset the features of the court to their default parameterizations.

The court parameters can be passed at the initial instantiation of the class via the court_updates parameter, and through the update_court_params() method, these can be changed. This method allows the feature parameterization to be reset to their default values after experiencing such a change

update_colors(color_updates={}, *args, **kwargs)#

Update the colors currently used in the plot.

The colors can be passed at the initial instantiation of the class via the color_updates parameter, but this method allows the colors to be updated after the initial instantiation and will re-instantiate the class with the new colors


color_updates (dict) – A dictionary where the keys correspond to the name of the feature that’s color is to be updated (see cani_color_features() method for a list of these names). The default is an empty dictionary

Return type:

Nothing, but the class is re-instantiated with the updated colors

update_court_params(court_param_updates={}, *args, **kwargs)#

Update the court’s defining parameters.

This method should primarily be used in cases when plotting a league not currently supported by sportypy


court_updates (dict) – A dictionary where the keys correspond to the name of the parameter of the court that is to be updated (see cani_change_dimensions() method for a list of these parameters). The default is an empty dictionary

Return type:

Nothing, but the class is re-instantiated with the updated parameters